


In Living Sitges we love holidays full of history and more if we can celebrate them with the family, and today we will talk about the advent calendar. A tradition for children (and not so children) that in addition to illusion provides a great value: patience.

If you wonder the origin, we will tell you about it!
The history goes back to 19th century Germany: children lit a candle for each day of the Advent period, that is, from the first Sunday of Advent until Christmas Eve.
And when did we move from candles to sweets? Well, nothing less than in the 1920s, when the first calendar was printed and filled with chocolate bars to make the wait sweeter.
We have prepared some ideas for you to make them together at home.
And remember that it’s not necessary to fill them with sweets, you can put some papers with plans to do with the family, some collectibles…

Calendar with biodegradable paper bags
It’s simple, economical and ecological. What more could you ask for?
As easy as sticking a string on the wall, put tape only on the ends and arrange the bags with wooden clips. Don’t forget to number the bags so the kids can follow an order. And if they are a little older, you can put them out of order so that they have to look for the number, much more fun!

With felt
A very economical and easy to handle material. Here the idea is similar to the previous one, make some bags and tie them to a string. The advantage is that with a single sheet of felt you can make a lot of them. Of course, you have to use scissors and thread, so this part requires special care so that no one gets hurt!

With toilet paper rolls
Something that we can surely get without much effort are the toilet paper rolls. And with them we can make any shape, a little house, a pyramid …. Just put the gift inside and make a lid with paper, cardboard or any other material you have at home.

With boxes
It doesn’t matter which one, they don’t even have to be the same size or shape.
And those who know us know that we are passionate about recycling, and this advent calendar is the most ecological! Just paint the number on the cover and that’s it.
Here are some examples: tupperware that you no longer use, empty jam jars, plastic containers … (All well washed of course).

We hope you put into practice some of these crafts and above all that you enjoy this time of the year from the Living Sitges team!


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