


These days we have a lot of information and options when putting an apartment up for sale in Sitges. Certain companies that offer to advertise your apartment and sell it charging no fees have arrived and there are more than 120 real estate agencies in Sitges that upon seeing a for sale sign on a balcony or internet portal, call the owners promising that dozens of clients would buy their property right away.
When a homeowner chooses the option to put their apartment up for sale on a Prop Tech platform, he realizes that; there are commissions indeed!
There aren’t fees for selling your apartment, but for advertising it. They also make valuations based on mathematical algorithms that cause prices to be far from reality according to the market.
Once put on the market, they generate for the owner the task of having to show the apartment and of having to take other actions that soon get tiring. The result is usually that you end up paying €3,600 to advertise the apartment without any specialist in the area’s advise. You’ve ended up wasting your time.

como la tecnología

When an owner decides to give the rights to sell an apartment to all the agencies that promise fast buyers, who will not dispute the price or conditions, foreigners who will pay you more than it is worth, will give you the price you ask for and at the very time when you want them to.
It all sounds great if that’s what you want to hear, but it doesn’t work.
We end up with an apartment for sale with 10 real estate agencies that advertise it on a portal 10 times with different photos, different prices…
These real estate companies are waiting for someone to inquire about that apartment to arrange a visit. But when potential buyers see the same apartment advertised 10 times with different information, what happens is that they think there’s something bad with the apartment. The information received is confusing and of poor quality. And worst of all; they perceive the seller is in a hurry and therefore if they are going to visit the apartment will bargain down, and since those real estate agencies only seek to sell, they will try to convince the owners that’s the best offer they can receive…
This causes: the property losing value, debilitating within the market, helping neighbors sell their apartments while seeing how time goes by without a sale and that all you are told is to lower the price… Does that sound familiar?

In LivingSitges we understand the real estate market in a different way, our company is created to help people, accompanying them in the process of selling their property and putting their interests before those of the buyers, we work to make the sale process quick and efficient. Our commitment is to give value to the property to get the maximum profit on the sale and satisfy the needs and expectations of the seller.
LivingSitges works for the seller. For starters, we only accept sales orders from people who come to us. People who want a top real estate service, they mostly come to us recommended by our clients.
The first thing we do is meet with the person(s) to find out their sales motivation. We then value the property to see if at that moment in the market it can be sold according to your needs and expectations.

como la tecnología[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coZlbJPPKDs“]

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